The pictures below are of our toppers and our staff was holding them to show you the texture and size in relation to your hand. Our toppers are a unique formula of glass and made for this purpose to be used in fireplaces and fire pits. We have been compelled to show you the glass in relation the texture and size so you know what you are getting for your fireplace or fire pit. If you planned on purchasing from a glass recycler (crushed bottles and jars) please ask to see what you are getting. Our glass is not recycled as it is made for this use and is not dangerous in fire, as jars and bottles do pop in the fire, try it and you will see what we mean. We take pride in the selection we offer you as a customer, so remember you do get what you pay for. If you didn't plan on trash glass in your fireplace, then don't buy trash glass. If you click on any of the pictures below you will find many more product pictures. The glass below is some of our toppings and as you can see by the shape and colors we do not recycle trash glass (no bottles and jars here). Again our glass is made for this purpose to be used in fireplaces and fire pits.
We were providing Toppers for the Marriott and we were asked to show how much coverage 2 lbs was. So we laid out 30" x 70" area and spread out 2 lbs of each of the colors they wanted to add the top to see if in fact it was enough color.
We have also added several more toppings color and they will be posted soon! Here are 28 more new and exciting colors to really confuse the issue. These color will be available in the next few weeks. Our Toppings were the first of our new color line and these new stones will be called "Toppers" . These stones range from 1/4" to 3/4" in size. We are now over 200 products and still growing! We are sorry for any bad colors in the picture but we were very excited to get these posted. We will be posting much better pictures in the next few days.
Here are a few pictures of our toppers before we process the glass We make all of our toppers and toppings in billet form as you can see they are 1" to 1 1/2" thick at first pour, yes we do pour the glass into molds. THE BILLETS/ GLASS BELOW ARE SOME OF OUR NEW COLORS COMING SOON! This is the first step of production and we should be posting these colors in about 2 to 3 months.